Cruising Guide to Newfoundland
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Cruising Guide to Newfoundland

CCA Nautical Publishers
  • Codice
    GUI 173
  • Editore
    Cruising Club of America
  • ISBN
  • Edizione
  • Lingua
  • Rilegatura



This guide was first published in 1955 and has been continuously updated and improved on a regular basis.
This guide is by far the most comprehensive guide to cruising the entire island of Newfoundland — it encompasses over 200 harbors with chartlets and sketch charts for nearly all. From the dramatic fjords along the south coast to the beautiful seabird colonies along the east coast, and then to the isolated islands and rugged coastline and the historic abandoned outport villages of Notre Dame Bay, there is something for every adventurous cruiser. The guide also covers the very French islands of St. Pierre and Miquelon, which are just a few miles from Newfoundland’s south coast. Cruising Newfoundland represents a significant adventure for the coastal cruiser and this book helps prepare the skipper(s) the crew and the boat.

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